Hearing News

Hearing News

Keeping you in the Know…

I’m always excited to share important pieces of information with patients to brighten their world for communication. One such FREE program is through the MA Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. By having your Audiologist or primary care doctor complete a short form indicating that you are hard of hearing, you are eligible for a FREE amplified landline phone. The program is great! Once the paperwork is received, you will be contacted by the Commission to set up an in-person installation of your phone, with instructions on its use. The phone is yours to keep, but it does require a landline. Options for phones and other assistive devices can be found here

In addition to a more traditional amplified phone, if you have internet at your home, you have another option available, which is a CapTel captioned phone. This phone allows the listener to take advantage of both hearing and seeing the words by the caller on a screen. There are varying sizes of screens and fonts, as well as font colors for visually impaired individuals. These phones are also FREE and are set up by a technician that comes to your home. It requires documentation for hearing loss, that can be completed by your audiologist. My dad has the CapTel phone at home, and it has an adjustable volume for everyone’s comfort for sound.

Both options are available for people with hearing loss, and they do not require hearing aids to work. For more information on these free phones, or to see them in action, you can always stop by our office.